3.1. Introduction
Economic, social and cultural issues are rarely considered to have a connection to human rights in the Pacific Island countries including Papua New Guinea (Moon, 2010. p. 4). Most Constitutions of the Pacific Island countries contain a bill of rights, which usually cover only civil and political rights. For the most part, legal frameworks that protect economic, social and cultural rights are not clearly in place. Similarly, practice fails to ensure that economic, social and cultural rights are protected, at least for the poorer or more vulnerable sections of society (Moon, 2010. p. 4).
3.2. The Legal Framework
The Legal Framework provides the foundation or platform which the Government and all the major players of the current affordable (public) housing initiatives have to consult in order to achieve the country’s Millennium Development Goals (Short Term Development Goals 2010 – 2030). Furthermore, the government and the major players have a goal to achieve which is the nation’s Vision 2050. The Vision 2050 is “WE WILL BE A …show more content…
These sections are from section 27 of the act to section 31 which are briefly highlighted below:
Section 27 provides the policy directions by the National Executive Council. Subsection (1), has the provisions for the corporation to effect any directions given by the Head of the State, acting on advice or by the Minister for Housing any matter of policy relating to the exercise as well as performance of the corporation’s functions or powers (NHC Act, 1990, p. 12). This is the provision which may be used as the foundation during the implementation of the NEC Decision 348 in resolving the housing crisis in the country by the National Housing Corporation