The difference between a vision and a goal, one is abstract and one is concrete. Visions are essentially abstract, while setting a goal is more tangible. For an example of a vision, one would say they would like to plant a large garden that will produce a vast harvest in the spring; it will contain green beans, tomatoes and corn. This expresses an abstract desire for an outcome. Alternatively, a goal would sound like this, this springtime a large garden will be planted and time will be set aside to spend 5 hours a week hoeing the garden so the weeds will not interrupt the growth of the vegetables. This is a substantial goal, meaning it is a tangible and reachable, something you physically work towards. The subject of motivation can vary. In reality you will need to set the tone for the audience, in other words, different people will perceive different issues, and will be motivated by different things. Make sure you talk with your people regularly on a one-to-one basis to find out what matters to them. Herzberg's theory is largely responsible for the practice of allowing people greater responsibility for planning and controlling their work, as a means of increasing motivation and satisfaction.
The importance of visions is beyond dreams, it is a statement of what or how you like things to be. Visions have a larger purpose and they share the core values that we hold at the center of our character. These core values are expressed to pave the road in the direction you want to see transpire. If a vision has been effectively communicated with precise and detailed direction and reason, others can see your mental picture to help you attain it and gain their commitment to it. “The only way to lead people into the future is to connect with them deeply in the present. The only visions that take hold are shared visions-and you will create them only when you listen very, very closely to others, appreciate