Visual Culture assignment 1
Nikita .A
Visual culture
The term visual culture encompasses many media forms ranging from fine arts to popular film and television to advertising to visual data in fields such as the science, law and medicine. The term culture refers to a whole way of life, meaning a broad range of activities geared towards classifying and communicating symbolically within a society. Visual culture is the shared practice of a group, community or society through which meanings are made out of the visual, aural and textual world of representation
Semiotics is the study of signs and signifying practices, is largely the creation of the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure and the American pragmatist Charles Sanders Peirce. Independently, they worked to better understand how certain structures were able to produce meaning rather than work on the traditional matter of meaning itself.
Saussure 's work on semiotics is better known, and he argued that there was no inherent or necessary relationship between that which carries the meaning (the signifier, usually a word or symbol) and the actual meaning which is carried (the signified). For example, the word "car" is not actually a car - the meaning of car could be carried by any random string of letters. It just so happens that, in English, that meaning is carried by the letter c-a-r.
Peirce 's ideas about semiotics distinguished between three types of signs: icon, index and symbol. Whether a sign belongs in one category or another is dependent upon the nature of its relationship between the sign itself (which he called the referent) and the actual meaning. An icon is a meaning which is based upon similarity or appearance (for example, similarity in shape).
Mosaic of Justinian and Theodora from the church of san Vitale in Rome
In the mosaic of Justinian and his retinue, Justinian is wearing the same
Bibliography: http://www.homesaustin.com/Documents/LasMeninas.pdf http://www.enforex.com/culture/art-las-meninas.html http://brandonk10.wordpress.com/2010/02/13/blog-1-assignment-hans-holbein-and-the-ambassadors/ http://www.oneonta.edu/faculty/farberas/arth/arth214_folder/van_eyck/arnolfini.html http://uwacadweb.uwyo.edu/Ashleywy/las_meninas.htm http://www.suite101.com/content/renaissance-art-hans-holbeins-the-ambassadors-a64253