Hence, by linking Schelling’s reading of symbols to Soskice’s understanding of metaphors, I am not denying what he calls their tautegorical as opposed to allegorical character. By this term, Schelling means that symbols signify …show more content…
As Jerry Day puts it, symbols are primordial forces connected to what remains unarticulated beyond our thought and language. By ‘suggesting’ the divine reality they give us a perspective on him, and new metaphors bring new ways of speaking and relating ourselves to God, hence further articulating this ground of which Day writes about. Accordingly, symbols are that which originates what Hans Blumenberg calls fundamental metaphors. These, are representations of the unfathomable totality, something in virtue of which an entire conception of the reality, both divine and human is born. These fundamental metaphors are also then the basis from which we derive our conduct and way of looking at the