Vitamins, nutrients, and minerals are all important substances that are required to lead
a happy, healthy life.
Firstly, vitamins are an organic compound required by the body in small amounts of
metabolism, to protect health, and for proper growth of children. Vitamins also assist in
the formation of hormones, blood cells, nervous systems chemicals, and genetic
material. There are 13 well-identified vitamins. Some examples of the 13 well-identified
vitamins are: A, D, E, and K-fat contained foods, B, C-consumed immediately. A well
known and commonly used in commercials for orange juice vitamin is vitamin C. Vitamin
C or ascorbic acid is important in the synthesis and maintenance of connective tissues.
The lack of vitamin C will result in a sickness called scurvy. Scurvy harms the gums,
mucous membranes, and the skin. Another well-known vitamin and is also used to
commercial to give more information about this beverage is the vitamin in milk. The
vitamin in milk is vitamin D. If you do not drink milk and obtain this vitamin, your bones
and teeth will become soft and weak. Lacking one or more of the 13 well-identified
vitamins will cause sickness and weakness to your body.
Secondly, nutrients are how the body assimilates certain compounds. Nutrients are
classified in 5 major groups: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. One
of the five nutrients is carbohydrate. The carbohydrate group principally consists of
sugar, starch, dextrin, cellulose, and glycogen. In more basic terms, carbohydrates are
sugars needed by human and other living organisms. Some types of foods that contain
carbohydrates would be candies, ice cream, fruit juice, soda, chocolate bars etc.
Lastly, vitamins are connected to minerals. Minerals are also a very important part of a
healthy person. There are 11 major groups of minerals. They are: calcium, chromium,
copper, iodine, iron, magnesium,