Vlad thought he would be the rightful heir to the throne, but alas! The boyars had taken control, so Vlad impaled the boyars and their elders on the spot. As for the rest of their families, some were forced into a life of slavery; others were put to work building Vlad's castle. Afterwards Vlad immediately took control and restored order. He impaled over one hundred lawbreakers that day, and earned the name Vladislav Tepes A.K.A. Vlad the Impaler in Romanian. His bloody reign remained unchallenged. "During his reign, Vlad III also had people decapitated, had their eyes gouged out, had them skinned alive, boiled, burnt, dismembered, eviscerated, or sometimes just physically disfigured . . ."vladtheimpaler 2009. No one even dared to break a law during Vlad's reign. Let me give you an example. Vlad sat a golden cup encrusted with jewels next to a fountain and said, “Any person who wants to use this cup to drink from the fountain may do so, but when they are done, they must place this cup back were they found it." The cup was never stolen during Vlad's entire …show more content…
"Schizophrenia is a serious brain disorder that distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotions, perceives reality, and relates to others.” WebMD 2011. Symptoms of schizophrenia Vlad's behavior suggested include: social awkwardness, lack of personal hygiene, and suspiciousness. There are at least five different types of schizophrenia, but I am almost positive Vlad was suffering from undifferentiated-type schizophrenia. This is where you have multiple symptoms of schizophrenia, however, not enough symptoms that correspond with a single type. Vlad did not play nice at all. He killed hundreds of thousands of people. If that doesn't tell you he hated people in general then I do not know what will. Vlad didn't take care of himself. One of Vlad's guards joked about how you could smell Vlad over the stench of the dead bodies. If you have ever seen a sketch or drawing of Vlad you know that his hair was always unkempt. It was compared at times to Medusa from Greek mythology. These were just a few symptoms Vlad