Sometimes, hearing voice could be more convenient than reading text. Voice mail service helps you to listen to the recorded voice messages left by the caller who was calling you while you were not available in any of the following conditions:
▪ busy ▪ unable to pick up the call for certain duration ▪ out of coverage area or phone was switched off
So, once you have Voice Mail service and you won’t miss a single call, even if your mobile phone is turned off or is out of the coverage area.
2. Features of VoiceMail
Beeline’s VoiceMail service provides the following features:
▪ Listen to any message in your Voice Mailbox and you can save or delete it ▪ SMS Notification with sender’s identification and sending date and time ▪ Common access (ability to check mail box from any number if you know your password)
3. Limitation and conditions:
| VoiceMail Type |Premium Voice Mail Khmer |
|Limitation | |
|Max. number of messages in Mailbox |10 messages |
|Max. Length of recording 1 message |60 seconds |
|Max. life period of un-played message |7 days |
|Max. life period of played message |7 days |
▪ If you listened but did not save the message, after the VoiceMail is switched off the message will be deleted automatically
4. Activation of VoiceMail Service