Second Critical Interaction- Voltaire Candide and Other Stories This was quite a different read, much different than the last Trials of Socrates required reading. I truly enjoyed each and every story by Voltaire. I even enjoyed the introductory first page, describing Voltaire and his life as Francois-Marie Arouet. I enjoyed reading about how he had a lover or mistress named Mme du Chatelet and how they loved to study things together. Seriously, the French have some really interesting names. I wouldn’t even begin to try and pronounce either one of their names because I know I would just slaughter them. Even the Introduction was interesting and learning about how the stories came about. It gave a little background information about Voltaire to begin with. Although when reading the stories, all that background information faded away. I got so into the stories, I was truly taken away.
Not at all what I expected. I loved the story, from beginning to end. I was elated then sad, then elated then sad again. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster. To be utterly poor, to unbelievably wealthy and to hell and back again, all in search of his love. This was a totally cool story. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. I loved the way the story ended, with each and every one of them, learning to live with what they have and that what little they have is enough, especially after what they had all been through. Thinking one and the other was dead only to find them alive again, and in the end, just learning to appreciate one another’s company and to “cultivate their garden”. All of their life lessons learned, really gave them some introspect as to what life really has to offer and what is truly important to them. This story was amazing. I wanted him to go back to El Dorado if he were able to find his way back. I kept