This paper examines the current state of ‘volunteer tourism,’ both as a field of study and modern phenomenon. The foundation of the review rests upon themes initiated over 10 years ago in Volunteer
Tourism: Experiences That Make a Difference (Wearing, 2001). The review begins with a discussion of the explosive growth of volunteer tourism (research and practice) and continues with an analysis of the literature utilizing a multiphasic format that reflects the volunteer tourism process. Specifically, the paper includes a review of research in the area of pre-trip motivations, continues through work focusing on the volunteer tourism experience itself with emphasis on the role of the volunteer tourism organization and the community, and ends with discussion of the literature in the areas of post-trip reflections and transformations. Conclusions include recommendations for future research.
1. Introduction
Whether you feel that volunteer tourism simply represents an expanding tourism niche, an alternative form of tourism, or a sign of major socio-cultural change, its explosive growth is evident in academic literature, global trends, and the popular press. Volunteer tourism originated as a primarily British and European phenomenon (as an offshoot of the Grand Tour), then expanded into a range of countries including Australia and the United States (in a somewhat different form that included the middle class and evangelical mission trips), and is now growing to include Asian and African participants as well (Alexander, 2012; Lo & Lee, 2011).Elliott (2008)found that both participation and the study of volunteer tourism have grown exponentially over the past 20 years. Another recent study claims that significant growth in the volunteer tourism sector as occurred since 1990, estimating that 1.6 million people worldwide participate in volunteer tourism projects annually and that
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