Vyatta Configuration.
I. Adding interfaces
Add both the interfaces in the router with specific address.
Type “configure” and enter (for entering configure mode).
Type the following commands
Set interfaces ethernet eth0 address <External Address/prefix-length> (e.g. 10.XX.XX.XX/23)
Set interfaces ethernet eth1 address <Internal Address/prefix-length> (e.g. 192.XX.XX.XX/24) edit interfaces ethernet eth0 set description “External” set duplex auto set smp_affinity auto set speed auto exit edit interfaces ethernet eth1 set description “Internal” set duplex auto set smp_affinity auto set speed auto exit set protocols static route next-hop <external default gateway> (e.g. 10.XX.XX.1) commit save
To check this type “show interfaces” and verify the interfaces.
II. Creating source type NAT rule .
This rule needs to be created for communication of LAN to WAN (i.e. internal to external) and with this rule internal network will have internet access. This is a (and should be a) one way communication, so that only internal can speak to external.
Enter “configure” mode.
Type the following commands set service nat rule 10 destination address set service nat rule 10 outbound-interface eth0 set service nat rule 10 outside-address address <10.XX.XX.XX> set service nat rule 10 protocol all set service nat rule 10 source address 192.XX.XX.0/24 set service nat rule 10 type source
In the above rule all the communication from internal network will flow through IP to the external nework.
III. Creating