The Rush-Bagot agreement, the first of the relations between foreign countries was directed to Great Brittan. This agreement established a median between the United States and Great Brittan on the Great Lakes. The agreement was put into effect to limit naval armaments on the lakes, making the Great Lakes the longest un defended border in the world. With Brittan accepting and both countries being in agreement with this document, this was a smart move by young America.
The Treaty of 1818 was also a policy established with a foreign nation. The Treaty of 1818 was made with Brittan, furthering our peaceful relations with our once hostile neighbor. This treaty was an expansion off the Rush-Bagot agreement, giving the right to use the resources of the Great Lakes to both countries. This included the right to fish and to use them for trade.
Another document put into play by the Americans, after the War of 1812, to other nations, was the Monroe Doctrine. This document was written to all foreign European monarchs. This doctrine stated and warned those monarchs to cease the colonization of land that the United States was interested in west of the Mississippi. This was a bold statement written by America. Even though none of the European monarchs really listened to it, ti gave the people a great scene of nationalism.
Immediately following the War of 1812, the United States pursued nationalistic foreign policies while still maintaining peace. Throughout the presidential administration of James Monroe, many treaties, agreements and doctrines were established directly with or directed to