Prepared by
Devender Kumar
IABM Bikaner
This project has been made possible through the direct and indirect co-operation of various people, words can hardly express my feelings of indebt-ness to all those who extended cooperation in completing this project work successfully.
I am extremely thankful to Mr. Vinayak Pandey, Sr. Manager, PDCOR Limited for providing me an opportunity to undertake summer training project in such an esteemed organization and assigning me a very important project of the organization.
I am very thankful to the project guide Mr. Mahesh Sharma and Mr. BhavitMathur, Project Guide at PDCOR Limited for helping me during summer project and providing valuable guidance.
I would like to owe my sincere thanks to Dr. Madhu Sharma, Placement- Coordinator IABM, Bikaner for providing me one of the best summer training opportunities of the college.
I feel short of words to express my gratitude and thanks from bottom of my heart to all those who contributed their valuable time despite being very busy during season.
At last but not least I would like to give thanks to my colleagues who directly or in directly helped me in the project.
Mr. Devender Kumar
Summer Trainee MBA (Agri-Business)
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Rajasthan; a state having diverse climatic condition and huge potential in terms of Agricultural produce is still lagging behind due to disorganized warehouse, which is well concluded by the fact that around 80% of the warehouse in date still uses traditional or manual method of handling.
A project study broadly including review of existing warehouse, development of appropriate project components, financial viability analysis, value for money analysis, broad Public-Private Partnership project structure for development warehouse on
References: The warehousing (development and regulation) bill, 2005 Warehouse Manual for Operationalizing Warehousing (Development & Regulation) Act, 2007 by BIS Storage Capacity of Central Warehousing Corporation(Owned and Hired) in Rajasthan (As on 01.11.2012)