• The Roaring Twins
In 1920 after the war victory and progressivism, the American people were looking for a different path to take by figuring out a more relaxing way so that they could celebrate the American way of life. A new president was elected named Warren G. Harding, who was a Republican that was a former newspaper editor. He was big on pleasing everyone, and that got him into some trouble. He was guilty of making deals with congressmen and Cabinet members. During the third year, word had gotten out that Harding was involved in some scandals. In 1923, Harding took a trip to the west coast and died of food poisoning. It was a good thing he died because he would have been impeached from office after abusing his powers. …show more content…
Coolidge was laid-back, calm, and relaxed. Coolidge thought that the nation was doing just fine and that he didn’t have to do anything. He left businessmen alone because he thought they would make the economy stronger. He was elected again in 1924.The economy was doing good, but there were still problems in America. One problem was Prohibition, and it created a black market for alcohol. Al Capone created a million-dollar enterprise just from taking advantage during Prohibition. The FBI never got enough evidence to convict him but was able to charge him of income tax evasion and locked him up for the rest of his life. Another problem was women had more money than they used to and were able to attend “co-educational” colleges, which was seen as immoral. Women attending school made them become more educated and less religious. There was a law put in place about evolution being taught, and John Scopes broke it and challenged it. He teamed up with ACLU and was able to be victorious after making Bryan, the defense attorney, look foolish on the stand by asking questions he couldn’t answer. Now all people would look to science instead of religion. I would have never thought that the world would be fine …show more content…
Hoover’s background was phenomenal. He was named leader of the Food Administration and appointed as the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. In October of 1929 the world was hit by the Stock Market Crash. Hoover at the time was the president and was getting blamed for it all and it wasn’t even his fault. One thing that contributed to the crash was Germany failure to recover after World War 1. Germany owed France and England and Germany wasn’t able to pay to them so they weren’t able to pay the U.S. This made American Federal Reserve banks suffer bad. It also affected the “trickle-down” because the wealthy stopped investing and stopped creating new business so it left a lot of people unemployed. The last thing that led to the crash was rampant and overblown consumerism. New gadgets would come out and they were so expensive that people took out loans because they wanted them so bad. Workers started getting laid off and was not able to pay the loans off. So that means they couldn’t borrow more money to keep up with the bills or put food on the table. By 1932, unemployment had put 25% of Americans out of work and that affected more than 45 million people. For the people who didn’t lose their jobs had to take a 40% pay cuts. Farmers didn’t have it easy either. They couldn’t pay their debts so by 1932 25% of them had been evicted. On top of everything, In 1935, the Dust Bowl