Working at Home Depot was one of the first jobs I held that gave extrinsic rewards to their employees. “Maintenance factors are called extrinsic motivators because motivation comes from outside the job itself.” (Lussier & Achua, 2013, p. 84) Home Depot used to have this reward called the Homer Fund. It was a badge given to employees for outstanding customer service or for going above and beyond in the work place. This badge was to be collected and worn on your apron. Once an employee collected five badges they could be turned in to payroll and you would receive an extra one hundred dollars on your check.
This reward system motivated employees to always perform their best and take their jobs seriously. I recall employees competing to see which employee on their shift would be the first to review five Homer Funds. The Homer Fund motivated the employees to always work hard. “Motivation is the process that affects behavior in pursuing a certain outcome. Outcomes in business are usually organizational goals or objectives and it takes motivation to
Cited: (n.d.). Retrieved 9 2, 2014, from Washburn History: (2013). In R. &. Lussier, Leadership: Theory, Application & Skill Development (p. 84). Mason , OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.