Shop Around: Funeral homes and services can vary greatly in price. Before committing to one funeral home, shop around and get to know the funeral director at each establishment.
Compare pricing and services so you know what the final expenses will look like and inform your next of kin and other loved ones so they’re aware of your decisions.
Set Aside Funds: In an effort to avoid unnecessary financial stress, consider setting aside funds every month to go towards funeral pre-planning. Opening a burial trust or a special bank account for your family to access upon your passing will ensure you’re laid to rest in the manner you desire without causing additional strain on your family.
Communicate Your Wants: Funeral pre-planning is the perfect opportunity to put all of your burial wishes down on paper. While it can be difficult to think about, you and your family will feel more at ease knowing you’ve thought about funeral services and what you want yours to look like. Eliminating the questions will make the celebration of your life that much easier.
If you live in the greater North Haven, Connecticut area and you’re interested in pre-arrangements for funerals or burial trusts & estate planning, call Washington Memorial Funeral Home today at (203) 239-6000 to speak with a helpful, compassionate member of their team. For additional information on their cremation services as well as the benefits of pre-planning, be sure to visit their website.