Watching a movie at Home vs. at the Theater
Watching movies is a popular pastime that I enjoy, but over the last few years the traditional Friday family night at the movies has switch gears. With so many convenient factors to viewing a film at home, one has to ask is going to the theater really worth it these days? When I say worth it, let me share a few of the obstacles that I’ve had to face recently at the movie theater .First, if I decide to go on opening night I have to armor up to battle with the sea of teenagers that has made it a social swap meet, ridiculously high prices for tickets and concessions and not to mention the uncomfortable seating and the annoying distractions that are out of your control. Of course everyone has their own opinion, don’t get me wrong, I totally understand the whole” movie going experience” idea, but as for me I would prefer to stay home. Being able to minimize cost and control my environment is far more important to me than simply being be able to say that I have seen the latest movie. We have all been there, sitting in the theater, our attention consumed by the action on the big screen, only to have the spell broken by a ringing cell phone or text message coming in. Yes, let’s thank the technology god for this blessing. Since cell phones and other means of communication have become the norm, this issue is to be expected nowadays. What about the
King 2 little kid repeatedly kicking the back of the seat or the fussy babies crying at the highlight of the movie and let’s not forget the late comers, walking up and down stairway, all through the aisles desperately seeking a seat 30 minutes into the movie? With all of these factors of distraction, today’s movie viewer has little to no control over what goes on in the theater; on the other hand, watching a movie at home allows the viewer to minimize or even eliminate all distractions. For instance, if u planned on having a movie night you can do it alone or