Project Report Submitted by:
Group Details: Abhilekh Gulpadia – 10BCE0285 Manal Gandhi – 10BCE0311 Pratik Shah – 10BCE0094 Siddhant Jajodia – 10BCE0305
Project report submitted to:
Prof. Karthikeyan A. Faculty, Electronics Engineering VIT University.
As an assignment for IInd semester for the session 2010-11.
Problem Statement:
To design and implement a Water Level Indicator, using
Electronic devices like LEDs, ICs, Transistors, etc.
The reason behind taking this problem into consideration was
there occurs a huge wastage of water due to overflow in overhead tanks.
Approach to Problem Solution:
Our main requirements for the indicator are as follows: o Low Power consumption o Compact, with less Electronic complexity o Simplified result o Economical So the recommended solutions for the above mentioned
requirements are: o Usage of LEDs enables low battery consumption and
economical. o Multiple LEDs give a simplified result by indicating the
level of water in the overhead tank. o Use of a single IC to perform the computation makes it less
Literature Survey
IC 4066
The 4066 chip is a Quad Bilateral Switch that can be used with digital or analog signals.
Transistor BC148
It’s a plastic version of a standard NPN Transistor and is used for small signal general purpose amplification.
SPST Switch (Single Pole, Single Throw)
A Simple on-off switch: The two terminals are either connected together or disconnected from each other. An example is a light switch.
Piezoelectric Buzzer
High performance Buzzers used for indoor operations, and are moisture resistant.
LED (Light Emitting Diode)
Low cost semiconductor light source, which works on the principle of Electroluminescence.
Problem Solution
This is the circuit diagram of a simple corrosion free water level indicator for home and industries. In fact the level of any conductive non corrosive liquids can be measured