Departement Industriële Wetenschappen en Technologie
Water Assisted Injection Moulding: A Study on the Influence of Melt and Process Parameters on the Residual Wall Thickness and the Occurrence of Part Defects for PA6.
Gielen Bjorn, Heynickx Lien, Van den Brink Dominique, Vandersteegen Jochen
Water Assisted Injection Moulding: A Study on the Influence of Melt and Process Parameters on the Residual Wall Thickness and the Occurrence of Part Defects for PA6.
Gielen Bjorn, Heynickx Lien, Van den Brink Dominique, Vandersteegen Jochen
Received 7 March 2011
Although water assisted injection moulding is a relatively new and advanced technique to produce hollow parts, several problems which reduce the product quality can occur. Namely, water inclusions in the wall, severe fingering and double wall defects reduce the product part stiffness. This study investigated the effect of the process parameters water volume flow rate, water injection delay time and melt temperature on the part defects to obtain a better understanding of the formation of these part defects. The effect on the residual wall thickness and the weight of the products was also investigated. Three materials were used: two polyamides and one polypropylene as a reference. The experiments were carried out on an injection moulding machine equipped with a water-injection unit to produce hollow handles. The parts were weighed before and after drying, their wall thickness was measured and their percentage of defects was calculated in order to determine the influence of the processing parameters. IR images and pressure profiles ware also used to investigate possible detection methods for part defects. It was found that all the investigated parameters have a significant influence on the residual wall thickness and part defects. Their ‘ideal’ settings depend on the material and the desired properties since small wall thicknesses and few part defects do not always
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