To what extent can water shortages be dealt with on an individual level?
Water is the basic necessity of life which is even more important than food. A person can live 2 weeks without food but not even 7 days without water. Since few years, there has been a population boom and population in present is almost twice the population before the boom. This has caused water and food crisis in many countries, more importantly LEDCs. Presently, statistics suggests that 4/5th of African countries are facing critical water shortages along with other countries forming more than 30% of the world’s population. More than 75% of infectious diseases caused in the world are water-borne which kills millions of people each year. Due the shortage of water, more than a billion lack adequate supply of water and more than 2 billion lack sanitation. This makes the water shortage a major world issue that can cause a mighty effect on the countries’ economy. Despite of the solutions carried out to eradicate this problem, water shortage is still a huge problem in the Saharan countries of Africa and many other parts of the world. Two decades from now, in year 2030, statistics show that world population is going to double which indicates the upcoming danger of the water shortage. If not acted upon it fast, this crisis may rise even more by more droughts. Hereby I mean to say that water crisis is rising at a very rapid rate across the world and if not taken care of, then this might result into a worldwide threat.
Water shortage in the world has many parts to it. It is most severe at the African countries where people have to walk miles and miles away from their homes just for water that is contaminated and not pure for consumption. People who fetch water are consisting of children who skip school just because they have to assist their parent in fetching water. A child in a slum of Mumbai suffers water borne disease and eventually dies just