Final Draft
Amy L. Jones
WTS 100
Erin Fuller
December 10, 08
“The Global Water Crisis” Africa
It was a four hour journey and most of the woman and children walked that twice a day. Just imagine getting up before dawn to make this long journey to get a bucket of water filled with a little water, dirt, algae, cow and goat feces, bacteria, mosquito larvae and other insect eggs, parasites, and various waterborne diseases waiting for a host. They have no time for anything else in the scalding-hot heat of the afternoon. What they carried was liquid that was at conflict with themselves. With no other options but this, the muddy water could make them sick with the various diseases that lay rampant in this liquid poison. How can it be that Africa, among other countries in the world, has no access to the purest elements there is; water? They hang on by a simple thread praying for a miracle, while often dying, for something as simple as clean drinking water. Although the water crisis in Africa is acute and its effects are devastating, there are many organizations trying to raise awareness and find viable solutions. Mary Adhiambo is a thirty six year old woman raising four children on her own. A few years ago her husband became violently ill with malaria and typhoid. He started having frequent diarrhea, which only subsided while he was in the hospital. It became clear to Mary, that her husband felt better in the hospital because their friends would bring him bottled Dasani drinking water. Nevertheless, lacking in finances, he had to be discharged a short while later to return to contaminated water. Later, Mary and her husband were both tested for HIV, and both tested positive. Mary tried her best to keep the house clean and to take of her young children while her husband was sick, but without adequate clean water, it made it nearly impossible to keep everything clean. Mary would walk up to three miles a day to find water for her household. Clean,
Cited: Adhiambo, Mary Stories from Africa. Kagoga, Africa 17 Dec. 2007 Berber, Phillip & Donna Damon, Matt H20 Africa Foundation 7 Sep. 2007 Haseltine, Dan The Revolution A field Guide “Clean Water” 6 Apr. 2006 Pearce, Fred The Global water crisis: Managing a dwindling resource Oct. 2006 Wendell, Daren The Earth Expedition Personal Interview 2 Nov 2008 Waterfacts A Guide to clean water 2008 Water Partners of America