In today’s trends, technology is now in the pick of its advancement. From the usual uses of paper and manual procedures in writing a document that may cause data lost data redundancy, time consuming and unsecure. Automation and Computer effectively facilitate the operation to make the process easier, accurate sufficient and less time consuming.
Automatic procedures control the operation involving a sequence of complex standardized repetitive process on a large scale. Nowadays some of company use (WEB- Based) network-based technology as a part of their technological system to be more effective in terms.
The proposed system use is website and reservation system for Sideout Outdoor. This is for the company procedures to be more flexible and easy, in terms of reserving products to the company. It has the feature of private messaging that the customer will communicate easily with the administrator if they are online.
The Sideout Outdoor will help the clients to perform convenient and fastest way of dealing transactions it will help to keep the client information secure on the site. Client can access the website anywhere even without visiting the shop but they still can shop through using the website and it really help to save time and no hassle.
Company Profile
Side out Outdoor, a Patty Enterprise brand, is an outdoor lifestyle company. Side out is one of the first, authentic and best suppliers of mountaineering equipment in the Philippines. With 15 years in the outdoor industry, Side out has achieved excellent quality to their equipment with affordable prices. Side out has 55 talented man powers and counting. For just as long talented individuals have turned to Side out Outdoor to inquire about joining our team as employees, we will continue welcoming them. Our success with our 12 Outlets and Retail stores within Metro Manila malls and Mindanao rely on it.
Side out will continue innovating competitive outdoor