Global Warming refers to the gradual increase in the Earth’s temperature as a result of the growing concentration of human induced green house gases which are carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and hydro fluorocarbon in our atmosphere. Global warming can be caused by the use of fossil fuels, and industrial or agricultural processes. Man-made emissions are adding to the amount of carbon dioxide already being naturally released. These harmful processes have been leading to a large increase in the buildup of "greenhouse gases," which are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and water vapors. Global warming is an extremely severe problem facing the world today. Its effects and causes have been on the rise and people need to do something about it before the problem gets any worse. There are several ways to reduce the effects of global warming.
The first way is you can choose vegetarian meals. Choosing vegetarian foods can be drastically reduces agricultural water consumption and land use, and favorably impacts biodiversity. Vegetarian diets also have been shown to promote good health and in most developed countries, eliminating meat from one's diet is as easy as making responsible choices at stores and restaurants. If one eats meat it should always be from a local source. It is better, if you eat what you have planted. You can lessen your negative global warming impacts by eating food that is grown in your area, instead of choosing foods that have been shipped halfway around the world. It is because, food transportation is a major cause of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. So, using foods which require less transportation helps the environment and at the same time reduce global warming problem.
The second way is you can change your lamp with compact fluorescent bulb. According to a research in America, replace three frequently used