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As the minimum wage increases, so does inflation. If an employer has to pay higher wages, then the price of the product or service being produced will have to cost more in order to pay the employee. In return the prices of all goods and services will rise, and the person earning higher wages, makes no gain. In some instances, a pay hike would not make a livable wage, but in fact could make it worse. People who normally get tax breaks for having a low income, would now end up paying more in taxes and may actually end up making less money overall. Higher minimum wages force employers to cut back on training, which deprive low wage workers of any chance of long-term advancement, in return for a small increase in current income. Having higher wages for low-paid positions might also discourage workers from gaining new skills. In most circumstances, minimum wage workers may start off at minimum wage and then as time goes on and their skills are refined, they end up getting paid more. So while many people may start off at minimum wage, many of these people don't necessarily stay fixed at minimum wage. There are many minimum wage jobs that offer advancement…
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In “ Five Reasons Why We Should Raise Minimum Wage” an article featured on Salon by james Galbraith, an economist, says “With more family income, some people would choose to retire, go back to school, or have children, making it easier for others who need jobs to find them. Working families would have more time for community life, including politics; Americans would start to reclaim the middle-class political organization that they once had. Because payroll- and income-tax revenues would rise, the federal deficit would come down. Social Security worries would fade.” This shows that if we make the minimum wage higher it will help out people to do the things they want to in their ,life such as retire or go back to school . It would also help our economy. James goes on to say “raising the minimum wage would raise the incomes of 28 million Americans. Women would particularly benefit because they tend to work for lower wages than men…” This is an important factor to think about when debating whether to raise minimum wage because women do get paid less than men and in most cases , not all women are the single parent raising there kids and kids are expensive. Raising minimum wage would help families to be able to spend money on their family and the things that they need as well as getting a good education to aspire to be better and be someone better and do better than their…
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The real question is, which sides outweigh the other? We know now that there are flaws and perks to increasing the minimum wage but would it be worth it to even change it at all? Should we lower it? According to Sarah Shemkus, an award-winning journalist from “An employee working a 40-hour week at the federal minimum wage would earn $15,080 per year.” This small annual amount of money is just barely under the…
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During such times, raising the minimum wage has no effect other than being a useful political move. In times of economic contraction, firms close and lay off workers and unemployment rates rise. In such times, the minimum wage hampers the market from clearing, keeping more people out of work than necessary. For markets to function efficiently, wages must be allowed to fluctuate freely, equilibrating with demand for labor and reflecting the macroeconomic situation. Minimum wages tend to lock in wages at pre-recession levels making countries less competitive and less quick to recover when economic downturns…
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Minimum wage has been a very controversial topic. Nowadays people just can’t survive on minimum wage. Prices are rising but yet the pay is still the same. How do they expect us to survive on eight dollars and twenty five cents?…
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The minimum wage is the lowest wage permitted by law or by special agreement, but as of late many minimum wage workers have been complaining about their low wage of 7.25 an hour. Many people also believe that the low minimum wage is the reason why a lot of people are in poverty and why there are so many poor people. Common sense would have you believe that if you raise minimum wage you raise the standard of living and you bring people out of poverty, right? Wrong. Contrary to popular belief that is not true AT ALL. Raising the minimum wage is not only bad for the economy, but it also does not help the poor it actually hurts them in a way.…
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Making better minimum wages would reduce child poverty in America. According to the article, "How to end child poverty in America", "...boosting the tipped worker wage to $7.07, could reduce U.S. child poverty by 4%…"() This shows that adjusting the wages would "help lift 400,000 American kids out of poverty", according to the Children's Defense Fund report. By giving minimum wage workers more money, they will be able to financially support…
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Should minimum wage be raised to a higher pay to help families support each other and have more money to be able to get the necessities you need or should the minimum stay the same to keep prices of items the same? Also, continue how we are with different places having different wages and finding the place that best fits you? Currently many states have minimum wages under $10 an hour, in Indiana its $7.25. The wages are being challenged because many are saying it should be raised to help families and people that don't get much. Other people around the world are saying it's best to keep it the same or else prices will be higher and harder for more people than it was before.The debate over whether the minimum wage should be raised or not has many people divided around the world. Proponents argue that it should be raised because it's hard to pay for necessities and…
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According to a 2014 Congressional Budget Office report, increasing the minimum wage to $9 would lift 300,000 people out of poverty, and an increase to $10.10 would lift 900,000 people out of poverty. A minimum wage of $15 would also reduce inequality. Among the 34 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development member countries, the United States has one of the highest levels of income inequality, with only Chile, Mexico,…
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A living wage is the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet their basic needs. The basic needs in this case are: housing, food, medical, transportation, and taxes. The living wage in America is dependent on location rather than a general level. Some state governments enact ordinances that set the minimum wage higher than the federal minimum. However, the state level ordinances do not meet the different standards of living from city to city. What is…
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Many might say that raising minimum wage would increase financial problems. Minimum wage increase would hurt business and force companies to close. Although that may be true, raising minimum wage 10% would reduce the number of people living in poverty 2.4%. Minimum wage can help inflation. Help reduce federal deficit. Raising minimum wage would increase economic activity and spur job growth. As the nation we need minimum wage to pay our bills.…
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College kids work their butts off in order to pay for their tuition, yet they still can't afford it. Their jobs don't pay them enough money to pay for fees, food, rent, etc. It's the same for adults too. To prevent this, the minimum wage should be raised. This could lead to increasing economic activity and jobs. Other benefits are higher school attendance and lower high school drop offs. However, it could increase layoffs and unemployment. Even though raising living wage can start some problems with more experienced workers, people gain more money to afford their needs.…
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It might seam that a living wage is a good idea compared to a minimum wage; although, the repercussions may cause people to think differently. Living wage could cause unemployment to rise, create higher prices causing profits to decrease. If people’s income increases, people will get fired, prices will rise, and profits will decrease. Granted, a living wage could improve people’s spending immensely and decrease job turnover; however, it honestly is an erroneous decision to choose living over minimum wage.…
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First off many people think that living wage is like minimum wage but it is not. They are two entirely different things. “Living wage is the amount of pay considered sufficient for you and your family to cover basic costs of living in a specific location” (Grossman 1). Minimum wage is the lowest possible wage an employer can pay their employee. Minimum wage does not help out as a whole unlike living wage. Living wage…
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The basic needs of living include food to eat, clean water to drink, a place to live-shelter, and clothes to wear. The living wage is “a wage that is sufficient enough to provide the necessities and comforts essential to an acceptable standard of living” (Merriam-Webster online dictionary). These “necessities” are things needed for every human being to survive, it does not provide the things people want and or desire. The living wage attempts to control welfare by enforcing wage rates that are above the federal law requirements of minimum wage to fit living expenses (Compensation pg.67). There are those who oppose and those who support the living wage. Low income working families would argue that the living wage is important, while businesses and employers beg to differ.…
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