Greed is defined as, someone’s selfish desire to gain more goods and resources than he or she already has. In a certain level, everybody has greed in them. People always want something, and sometimes they want it more than other people or what they need. Also greed can destroy relationships between friends and family and many other things as well. But on the other hand, greed is a motivational tool to gain and achieve a certain goal towards their dreams. Certain people view greed as wrong and bad. In a way greed brings out the worst out of people, wanting more and more of something. Some people may think that, if someone has wealth and fame that they would impress others and that they would have more friends. They say “you can’t have too much of a good thing”, meaning if something is really good that person will never tire and as a result he or she will want it even more. An article by Mr. Ray Williams “What Price Will We Pay for Greed?” he wrote about a study conducted by Dr. Paul Piff from the University of California. In the study, it revealed that wealthy people give less charity than the poorer people. Also, there were other studies showing that the wealthier a person is the greedier he or she is. A second study show, that the people in the upper-class were act more unethically or lie more, also wealthy people are more likely to cheat for the possibility to win or gain something. With all the negativity associated with greed, there are some good in it as well. Greed is a great motivator. Greed gives people the incentive and drive to aim higher, to achieve something great.
Many people think that greedy people are selfish and only think about themselves, but that’s not entirely true. Greed is what makes people strive to have better lives, and doing so it will also elevate the lives of their family and possibly the
Citations: Ray B. Williams. What Price Will We Pay for Greed?. Psychology Today.29 Feb.2012.Web. 17 Jun. 2014