The larger percentage of our nations population is in the middle and lower class according to What is the wealth gap? (2012, March 1). …show more content…
Thinking about it in the fairest way possible, one could come up with a way to distribute funds better than they are currently being distributed, but it will never be completely fair. In such a scenario, you are damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. I personally believe that a great way to redistribute funds a little more fairly can be by ways of income tax. I feel that a person’s cost of living should play a bigger part when being reimbursed during tax season, after all we do pay almost 40% in taxes, according to High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’? (2015, March 24), and we don’t work 40% less hard doing so. Otherwise weather it is raising wages or lowering the cost of living, there is some way or form to make life a little less financially difficult for the middle and lower