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week 1 3 tests

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week 1 3 tests
Week 1
Question 1 of 10
Dr. Sanchez approaches questions about human behavior from a perspective that emphasizes unconscious thoughts and conflicts within the individual, such as inner forces or conflicts. It is most likely that he accepts which of the following psychological approaches? A.Sociocultural B.Learning C.Cognitive
Correct D.Psychodynamic
Answer Key: D Question 2 of 10
Researchers are studying the effects of nicotine on driving. The participants are divided into two groups. One group is provided with nicotine cigarettes and the other with fake cigarettes that taste and smell like real cigarettes but do not contain nicotine. The fake cigarettes are an example of a(n) A.Dependent variable
Correct B.Placebo C.Random assignment D.Experimental group
Answer Key: B Question 3 of 10
Maureen is a psychology major who is conducting a study on memory. The participants in her experiment study a long list of words and then recall the list by verbalizing the words to Maureen. Maureen knows which words are correct, and whenever a participant states an incorrect word, Maureen inadvertently shifts her eyes and makes a note on her notepad. As a result, the participants change their recall behavior and tend to recall fewer words thereafter. This scenario illustrates a(n) ________. A.Placebo effect
Correct B.Experimenter effect C.Correlation coefficient D.Double-blind study
Answer Key: B Question 4 of 10
A(n) ________ psychologist studies how an individual's past behaviors, and the consequences of those behaviors, affect current behavior. A.Cognitive B.Biological C.Sociocultural
Correct D.Learning
Answer Key: D Question 5 of 10
Which of the following is both a theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy originally formulated by Sigmund Freud that emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts?
Correct B.Psychoanalysis C.Phrenology D.Introspection
Answer Key: B Question 6 of 10
A precise explanation of a term in a hypothesis, which specifies the operations for observing and measuring a process, is called a/an:
Correct B.Operational definition C.Variable D.Norm Answer Key: B Question 7 of 10
An early approach to scientific psychology, called ________, emphasized the purpose of behavior and consciousness. A.Introspection B.Psychoanalysis
Correct C.Functionalism D.Structuralism Answer Key: C

Question 8 of 10
Which of the following is a potential shortcoming of laboratory observation?
Correct A.The presence of researchers and special equipment may cause subjects to act differently than they would in their natural surroundings. B.Results are inaccurate because many people have a distorted view of their own abilities and traits. C.Scientists do not take such research very seriously. D.Subjects do not all get the same degree of detail in their instructions on how to behave. Answer Key: A Question 9 of 10
A ________ has a medical degree (M.D.), with a specialty in psychiatry, and does work similar to that of a clinical psychologist but is likely to take a more biological approach. A.Clinical psychologist B.Psychotherapist C.Psychoanalyst
Correct D.Psychiatrist
Answer Key: D

Question 10 of 10
Which of the following cannot be hand picked by a researcher? A.random assignment B.independent variables C.the research method used
Incorrect D.all of the above Answer Key: A

Question 1 of 10
According to Freud, the psychosexual stage that occurs during the first year of life is called the ___________ stage. A.Latency B.Anal
Correct C.Oral D.Phallic
Answer Key: C Question 2 of 10
Davey is a person who strives to be a perfectionist. When he does not meet his self-imposed goals, he is likely to feel guilt and shame. A Freudian would probably say that Davey's personality is dominated by his ________. A.Id B.Ego
Correct C.Superego D.Libido
Answer Key: C Question 3 of 10
Which of the following is an effective approach for estimating heritability of a trait or behavior? A.Studying parents whose children look like them and take after them in many ways. B.Comparing fraternal twins with same-sex siblings to determine if the twins are more alike C.Comparing blood relatives within a family to determine if a trait "runs" in the family
Correct D.Comparing twins to determine whether identical twins are more alike than are fraternal twins
Answer Key: D Question 4 of 10
According to Carl Jung, part of the legacy of human history is a ________.
Correct A.A collective unconscious shared by all human beings containing universal memories, symbols, images, and themes B.Womb envy shared by all men, consisting of universal memories and symbols of the "Earth Mother" C.Mystical unconscious shared by all human beings containing symbols from each of the major world religions. D.Penis envy shared by all women, consisting of universal memories and symbols of the "Powerful Father"
Answer Key: A

Question 5 of 10
Manny is an artist. He is creative, imaginative, and curious. Which of the Big Five personality traits pertains to Manny's characteristic behavior?
A.Introversion vs. Extroversion
Correct B.Openness to experience vs. resistance to experience C.Neuroticism vs. emotional stability D.Agreeableness vs. antagonism Answer Key: B Question 6 of 10
A method used by parents to enforce moral standards is power assertion, which includes all of the following except ________.
B.Physical punishment C.Taking away privileges
Correct D.Induction
Answer Key: D Question 7 of 10
Fifteen-year-old Terrill is currently asking himself the question "Who am I?" He is considering possible career options and is setting a goal to attend college. Terrill is in the process of resolving Erikson's crisis of ________.
Correct A.Identity vs. role confusion B.Intimacy vs. isolation C.Ego integrity vs. despair D.Trust vs. mistrust Answer Key: A Question 8 of 10
The fastest growing segment of the population in North America consists of people ________. A.Age 40 - 50 B.Age 20 - 30 C.Age 60 - 65
Correct D.Over age 85
Answer Key: D Question 9 of 10
A culture in which people tend to see themselves as autonomous and prize individual goals and wishes above duty and relations with others would be described as a(n) ________.
Correct A.Individualist B.Autonomic C.Narcissistic D.Collectivist Answer Key: A Question 10 of 10
Children who have been beaten, neglected, or routinely subjected to verbal or physical abuse by their parents are more likely than other children to ________.
A.Abide by the law
Correct B.Have more emotional problems C.Attend college D.Stay in school
Answer Key: B

Question 1 of 10
Hormones that regulate the development and functioning of reproductive organs are called ________ hormones. A.Endorphin B.Dopamine C.Melatonin
Correct D.Sex
Answer Key: D Question 2 of 10
Which of the following act like antennas, receiving messages from as many as 10,000 other cells and transmitting these messages toward the cell body?
Correct A.Dendrites B.Glial cells C.Myelin sheaths D.Axons
Answer Key: A Question 3 of 10
April spots the boy that she has a crush on sitting by his friends. Her heart begins to pound, her hands get sweaty, and her cheeks feel hot. April's ________ has/have been activated.
A.Spinal cord B.Skeletal nervous system
Correct C.Autonomic nervous system D.Somatic nervous system
Answer Key: C Question 4 of 10
The most important function of endorphins is to ________. A.Promote digestion and regulate metabolism B.Affect the functioning of target organs and tissue
Correct C.Enable neurons to excite or inhibit each other D.Increase the body's sensitivity to pain.
Answer Key: C Question 5 of 10
Which brain area is primarily involved in emotional arousal?
Correct A.Amygdala B.Thalamus C.Hippocampus D.Hypothalamus
Answer Key: A Question 6 of 10
Freud called the unconscious wishes and thoughts expressed symbolically in our dreams the ________ content
Correct A.Latent B.Marginal C.Manifest D.Patent Answer Key: A Question 7 of 10
The sociocognitive approach to hypnosis suggests that ________. A.hypnosis is a unique state distinct from normal consciousness B.the hypnotized person is consciously faking or playacting
Correct C.hypnosis is an interaction between the social influence of the hypnotist and the abilities, beliefs, and expectations of the subject D.there is a split in consciousness so that one part of the mind operates independently from the other
Answer Key: C Question 8 of 10
Which one of the following describes narcolepsy A.Difficulty in staying asleep or falling asleep
Correct B.A sleep disorder involving sudden and unpredictable daytime attacks of sleepiness or actual asleep. C.Extended periods of chronic sleeplessness D.A disorder in which breathing briefly stops during sleep, causing the person to choke.
Answer Key: B Question 9 of 10
In very large doses, ________ drugs can cause convulsions, heart failure, and death A.Opiate B.Depressant
Correct C.Stimulant D.Psychedelics
Answer Key: C

Question 10 of 10
The problem-focused theory of dreaming states that ________.
Correct A.The purpose of dreaming is to resolve current concerns and problems B.Dreaming is a by-product of a process of elimination or strengthening neural connections C.The purpose of dreaming is to express unconscious wishes, thoughts, and conflicts D.There is no purpose to dreaming; dreams occur because of random brainstem signals
Answer Key: A

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