November 17, 2014
Kimberly Free
Critiquing Internet Sources
With the technology these days you can access information about anything virtually from anywhere in the world. This is all capable because of the internet. Although you can access the information through the internet you have to be wary of what sites you are using because the internet allows anyone to write and upload any information that they want. There can be times where the information is false because the writer intended for you to believe what they were writing or to even hurt the person or thing they were writing about. With that being said I am going to critique a blog, a video, and a podcast about bullying of school age children.
The blog that I will be critiquing is “Anti Bully Mom”. It is written by Wendy and she started this blog because she nearly lost her teen daughter to suicide due to bullying (An Anti Bullying Blog, 2014). When first reading the blog you may think that this is going to be a bias blog because she is talking about her experience with her daughter. The more that you read you can see that she changes her blog to be informational for others to help those that are being bullied. She includes information from other sources in hopes that is will help others to help those that are being bullied whether it is seeing the signs or just helping them to handle being bullied. She is also good at making sure that she gives credit where it is due when she uses others information.
The video that I will be critiquing is “Nobody Likes a Bully - How to Stop Bullying in Schools - Deal with Bullies - Why Do I Bully Prevent”. The information in the video was good, but I feel that the video could have been done a little better especially if you are wanting people to take your message truthfully. It might have been better if they used different story plots to lead to the information discussing how to deal with bullies and the other topics. The video seemed
References: An Anti Bullying Blog. (2014, February 2). Retrieved from The Anti Bully Mom: Evaluating Internet Sources. (2012, September 21). Retrieved from Lydia M. Olson Library: Eyes on Bullying...Spotlight on Young Children. (2008, April 15). Retrieved from Eyes on Bullying: Kozak, Joshua. (2013, April). Nobody Likes a Bully - How to Stop Bullying in Schools - Deal with Bullies - Why Do I Bully Prevent [Video]. Retrieved from Li, Y. (2012, September). Undergraduate students searching and reading Web sources for writing. Educational Media International, pp. 201-215. Retrieved from Ashford Online Library EBSCO Host database