What is the goal of the proposed research?
Answer: To gather data concerning police officers and their jobs; specifically about their job hazards. This is original research. SO my methods and sample size needs to be sufficient to be statistically significant and empirically.
What type of interview structure will I use and why?
Answer: In depth Interview is the type of structure
In depth interview is a tool that sets up structure for planning and evaluating when conducting an open-ended, discovery-oriented method that allows the interview to deeply explore the respondent’s feelings and perspective on a subject in depth. interview to do is far better than the unstructured and structure interview.
What are some distinct advantages of a qualitative data-gathering strategy, such as participant observation, over more quantitative approaches?
Answer: The advantages of using participant observation over other methods of data collection. These include that it affords access to the backstage culture it allows for richly detailed description, which they interpret to mean that one's goal of describing behaviors, intentions, situations, and events as understood by one's informants it also provides opportunities for viewing or participating in unscheduled events. It improves the quality of data collection and interpretation and facilitates the development of new research questions or hypotheses.
When conducting survey research, how important is informed consent and confidentiality?
Answer: Maintaining informed consent agreements in Archived Data We must attempt, at all times, to guarantee promises of confidentiality made to research participants, where possible. Data Protection legislation was established to ensure that personal information, where desirable, should be kept confidential and be stored in a secure manner according to the provisions of the Act. However, even for the original researchers, adhering to guarantees of anonymity at