I’m thinking no more than 1-2 paragraphs each for 3 & 4.
1. List the qualities (at least 6) that define life AND discuss how a single-celled organism, such as an Amoeba or a yeast cell, and a more complex one, such as a tree or a cat, matches up with each characteristic
1. Living things have cells.
2. Living things grow
3. Living things reproduce
4. Living things respond to stimuli
5. Living things use energy
6. Living things adapt to their environment
A single celled organism, such as an Amoeba, has a short life because of the heavy work load and exposure to elements on all four of its sides. An Amoeba operates on one cell, so it is a lot of work and cannot get very big with just one cell. Any injury to the cell can result in immediate death to the fragile organism. Yet, it is still a life because it IS a cell, and grows, can split in half and make a new amoeba, responds to the environment, uses energy to grow and can also adapt to their environments by living in both soil and water. They use their body to surround food and “eat” it. Some amoebas have learned to cover themselves in grains of sand to protect their small bodies. Trees, cats, and single cell organisms all need oxygen, have cells, grow and reproduce, respond to stimuli, use energy, and adapt to environment so they are all living things.
2. Choose 3 non-living things in addition to the “pet rock” listed below (to get you started) and discuss how each one does (or does not) match up with at least 3 of the characteristics of life (you can choose different characteristics for each example).
1. Paper, although a product of a living thing, is non-living. It may contain DEAD cells but does not have active living cells inside it, does not reproduce, and does not grow.
2. Crystals can grow, but are not living because they do not use energy such as feeding and digestion, do not have cells, and do not reproduce. They also do not excrete waste which is another sign of life.