1. Take a look at the material on sensation seeking on page 286 (Ch. 11). Do you consider yourself a sensation seeker? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your level of sensation seeking?
I do not see myself as a sensation seeker. First reason is because I'm not the type that is a high risk thrill seeker because I am afraid of getting hurt. My level of sensation seeker isn't to high. Some advantages of being a sensation seeker is the thrill and the adrenaline that builds up through over stimulation. Also it could be a lot of fun. The disadvantages are real physical pain (pain to oneself), not being able to perform at the sensation level desired so disappointment and dissatisfying feelings both physically and mentally.
2. How would you rate your own achievement motivation? Why? In what ways is this an advantage to you? In what ways is it a disadvantage? For both men and women in general, the disadvantages would be by not getting to each other and being there for one another as individuals. The disadvatange is because the lack feeling we have for one another. My achievement motivation would be competiveness. Weather in work or school almost everything I do feels like a competition and thats what i'd use to rate and judge each other as classmates and co workers.
3. What did you learn about yourself from reading about the trait theories of personality?
Through reading about the trait theories of personality I got a chance to look into myself to see what my families generations passed down to me. These are some of the things that make me who I am as an individual and inspire my morals and beliefs. Now, I know who I am and what made me to come be the person I am today.
4. What did you learn about yourself from reading the other theories of personality? (List and explain at least three things.)
I found out that I am a psychoanalytic thinker because I am always trying to read and figure out other people.