Name Jessica Haines
Answer the following questions:
1) What is the difference between a task dependency and a task constraint?
When it comes to the differences between a task dependency and task constraint, it depends on the time. A task dependency joins two tasks by saying that one task begins relative to a different task. A constraint just puts the correlation directly to a time rather than base it off the time another task is done.
2) Give a real-world situation when you might used the following task constraints:
a) Start No Earlier Than – An example could be with government related projects. Many of these projects take years to complete and have to require a specific amount of the year’s budget to be used for the project. You could put a constraint on a project so that the government won’t go over budget and just start tasks the next year.
b) Start No Later Than – A project’s resources can be requisitioned ahead of time, and then can be paid for and picked up later from the company who are selling the resources. These people might require the money by a certain date. This can assure that setting a start no later then constraint pays the resources before the hold on the materials is lifted.
c) Finish No Later Than – This can happen if there is a set date for a project to finish it would be wise to set up milestone tasks with finish no later than constraints as to increase the importance of keeping on time. A Christmas party would be a good example, because you it has no room to finish late.
d) Finish No Earlier Than – This can happen if a company wants to roll over a project to have it be part of a second year’s budget, and putting this constraint on it can do that.
e) Must Finish On – This can happen if there is a set date for something like gathering materials that cannot be changed. This would be a good example of when to add this constraint to that task.
f) Must