Adam Kroeger
1 February 2008
Concrete Patio Project
To pour a concrete patio recreational are in my backyard.
Start Date: April 1 2008
End Date: May 31 2008
1. Get measurements and draw a patio plan
2. Assess what materials I will need for this endeavor.
3. Purchase all supplies.
4. Build concrete form out of wood.
5. Dig flat area where patio will lay.
6. Prep patio area
7. Pour concrete.
8. Cover patio and allow surface to settle.
Concrete Patio Project
Work Breakdown Structure
1 Get measurements and draw a patio plan.
1.1 Measure area in backyard for where patio will go.
1.1.1 Get measuring tape from kitchen …show more content…
The purchase of the concrete, wood, and tools is the largest expenditure.
Project Control
Adam Kroeger
The project is pouring a concrete patio in my backyard. The results will be a new patio to entertain guests. I am allowing two additional weeks in case there is inadequate funding or scheduling conflicts for the project ending in May of 2008. The two extra weeks are there in case there is an unexpected expense elsewhere, or I can’t get my brother to my house to help out because of scheduling conflicts. Each activity is defined within a week’s time.
Start of project on 04/01/08
Project Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Draw Patio Plan
Purchase materials
Build Form
Dig area for patio
Prep patio area