A company's debts or obligations are owed within one year. Current liabilities appear on the company's balance sheet and include short-term debt, accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other debts. Current liabilities are separated from long-term liabilities on classified balance sheets. (You do not have to prepare a classified balance sheet, but it is the norm. Classified balance sheets also separate the current assets from the long-term assets). Knowing which liabilities will have to be paid within one year is important to lenders, financial analysts, owners, and executives of the company. (Current assets include cash and other assets that will turn to cash within one year.) Knowing the liabilities that are due within one year and the amount of assets turning to cash within one year are so important that it makes sense to prepare a classified balance sheet. The amount of current liabilities is used in two of the most common financial ratios. Working capital is the amount of current assets minus the amount of current liabilities. The current ratio is calculated by dividing the amount of current assets by the amount of current liabilities.…
What new debt instruments compete for funds with government bonds, corporate bonds, and stocks that are low risk securities that have higher yields than comparable government bonds and attract funds from around the world?…
Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research the tools related to the managerial economics. Answer the question: What managerial economic decisions are business leaders making? Be prepared to discuss.…
Welcome to HRIS! In terms of the different types of HRISs, what is the main difference between an Management Information System (MIS) and a Human Resources Management Decision System (HRMDS)?…
How has technology changed the communication process? Has technology changed the way people communicate in business? Provide examples.…
I think that due to the time and hours of operation that it should be a majority vote for the reason or reasons outlined below:…
Because of the political process, the government may seek to promote the production and consumption of government-sponsored goods. The government may also seek to restrict the production and sale of goods that it considers socially undesirable; these are known as government-inhibited goods.…
Do you think it is easier to plan a strategy or achieve it? What else has to happen for managers to implement a corporate strategy successfully? In this discussion, you will examine the strategic planning process more closely.…
If a child’s development is not following the expected patterns it is important to implement early intervention to maximize development.…
After reviewing all of the theories, there are several that can be applied towards a healthcare setting. However, the one I feel that I can most relate to and can be applied best is the contingency theory due to the fact that it is based upon several different aspects of an organization and is not too generalized or to specific like I feel some of the other theories are.…
DQ1 has four parts. Be sure to respond to each part. Use information from assigned resources in both your main post and your peer responses. While reading, use the table below to help you organize information from your sources in relation to different parts of the DQ. Keep track of where you find information so that you can correctly cite sources in your posts.…
Can you keep the words in this form or do you need to refine and revise them for public communication? Explain.…
It is a process where the person thinks normally, eventually and takes a responsible place in community. Early intervention is the experiences and opportunities for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their parents. They provide a primary care that intended to encourage the children behavioral capabilities to form and impact their connections with people. Development theories exist in the area of early childhood development that explains child development and learning. A theory that include beliefs about the nature of learning and development, the role of heredity and environment, communities and contribute to the development process. Researchers believe that each theory provides beneficial information in understanding why children behave, grow and learn as they do. Theories can assist in making decisions about the care of young children and provide guidance to parents and caregivers. One of the idea discuss is the behavioral theory. This theory shape a child’s learning through positive reinforcement. It facilitated the child learning that helps and strengthening parents’ confidence and development enhancing learning experience and opportunities. The parents will provide children with experiences and opportunities that influence their development, it also recognize and understand the important role of children’s growth and…
Evidence based research reviews indicate that early intervention prevents, disrupts, or improves developmental delays, and most importantly provides the much-needed support to families of effected children. Neurological evidence supports early intervention in a child’s life, since most of the neurons pathways are created in the first years of life. Early intervention prevents the short-term and long-term impact relative to physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, emotional, feeding, and language development. Early intervention assists families and caregivers by offering support, training, education, and sharing some of the burden that comes with raising a child with special needs. The services are adapted to the need of each child and are provided in the less restricted settings, without changing their familiar routine. In addition, the emotional and mental health of children with developmental delays needs to receive a greater attention as the impact is life-long.…
Theories of development can influence current practice into childcare as they show us how to understand a child’s developmental processes. It can help us to identify any problems that might arise, whether it is in physical, social, emotional, language or intellectual development.…