With great pleasure and satisfaction, I stand here in this morning as we are going to open our annual children’s cultural festival, VISMAYA 2010. The P-T-A- of V-P-S- took the lead role in organizing and conducting this programme. We are going to witness the talents and extra gifts of our kids from various schools around through their child artists. I am sure this festival will deliver entertainment, fun and inspiration to all of us.
Festivals are a celebratory expression of our country's culture and a way of sustaining that culture. They can also be a way of making different areas of the arts a part of people's lives now and into the future.
The arts matter are the way we look at the world and they deal with our day-to-day experience in a different way. I believe, participating in VISMAYA 2010 will give our children a sense of what it means to be an artist. Taking time away from their structured school timetable and being part of this cultural extra vagensa will give them the ability to "think outside the box" as it were, to see things with a different pair of eyes.
Yes my dear …. First of all I would welcome our dynamic leader, whose vision and tireless efforts had helped the school to grow to its full bloom. His name is so closely associated to viswajyothi, when we say about our school, his name, by default comes into each ones memory. In fact if there is no Joy there is no Viswajyothi. Yes he is none other than our beloved principal Fr. Joy Kilikkunnel. Dear father I, on behalf of the PTA, proudly welcome you to this our prestigious cultural festival.
We have a young dynamic priest, who is always on the move and ready to help in all matters related to the school, yes our beloved father Sebastian as our vice principal. I weloce you father on behalf of the PTA, to this our prestigious cultural festival.
When we say about our