Swami has said that Balvikas is a programme created to restore Dharma in the world. The ideal of Balvikas is to raise a generation of boys and girls that have a clear conscience.
Today I have the honour and privilege of talking on behalf of the Balvikas graduates of 2012 and on behalf of all the graduates today I would like to firstly thank you Swami for giving us all the opportunity to be a part of your divine mission and always being there to guide and love us so unconditionally. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our amazing Gurus for all their time and effort that they put into making our balvikas lessons exciting and memorable, for always being there to guide and support us and for transforming and growing us into the Sai blossoms that we are today, we know you will be eternally blessed by our beloved Master. Our thanks also extend out to our parents and guardians. You have remained committed to us and stood by our sides even when things have been rocky, we will be forever grateful for all the times that you have spent sacrificing to drop and pick us up from balvikas and being there and involved in all our plays, sports and outings. My Dear brothers and sisters today has we are on a brink of a new chapter in our lives, take a moment to reflect on the last nine years that you have spent at Balvikas, take a moment to look at how much you have achieved in your lives, to see and appreciate just how far we have all come.
Well, my brothers and sisters just because we graduate today does not mean our mission is over yet, remember what Kubshani told us last week Sunday and I quote “please note that this is not the end, in fact this is just the beginning.” What we’ve been doing the last nine years can only be considered has the preparation or training for our real test and