The first time she saw it was when I was still living at home.She could hear my cries from the bedroom. She said there was something in the tone of my voice that made her freeze. Then, like many times later she could nothing but sit, listen and watch as her daughter got abused. She did try to discuss it with me, but as always I didn't want to see. I reasoned that it was normal for relationships to exist the way mine had, and that every relationship had there ups and downs.
There were many reasons why I continued to stay in the relationship, even before I was abused and had no self esteem. His parents had emotionally and physically abused him and then told him they no longer wanted to be a part of his life. He was left, and not cared about by the two people that are not meant to do that to you. My heart went out to him and I decided that I would never be like them; I would never let him down in a time of emotional crisis. I kept my word .
The emotional and verbal abuse had gradually seeped into the relationship so I didn't notice its arrival. He was able to justify every time he beat my self-esteem down. It was always something I said, didn't say, did or didn't do, it could be anything... and it was.
The most surprising part about this story is that it was he who broke it off with me, claiming that it just did