Alloys are extremely popular in various metal manufacturing industries. With a broad range of shapes and forms made from this reliable industrial product, alloys became known in the feedstock and fabrication industries. Forging, machining, spinning, assembly and casting are applied to produce these functional products.…
Since the shielding gas protects the welding arc, this type of welding produces a clean weld with very little splatter.…
Objective tests measure both your ability to remember facts and figures and your understanding of materials and procedures.…
Don't be afraid of the future, Build it. Welding is a neat and fun activity that you can build cool things from. Welding is not hard and you can learn to do it. You can do this on your free time. From welding projects and other things you can make money from them by selling them.…
I learned a lot while watching the film "The Black Power Mixtape". I didn’t know much about Stokely Carmichael or Angela Davis and their part in the movement. However, after doing some research I got a better understanding of them and, I was surprised that I learned more about them online and through this documentary than in my history class in high school. I knew a little bit about the Black Panther party but not to the extent of them being the reason people have free breakfast and lunch at schools. This film gave better details as to the importance of the Black Panther party, in addition to the overall Black Power movement. But it wasn't until the end of the film that it really hit me that some people may never know about certain important…
Underwater welding was invented in Russia in 1932 by Konstantin Konstanovich Khrenov and used it throughout the soviet navy. During WWII, the American Cyril D. Jensen, professor of engineering at Lehigh university, developed the USA’s own underwater welding programs and created 2 U.S. patents in the field. (Agnew, 1999-2013)…
The topic I am researching for my I-Search is welding. The reason I want to be a welder is because it is something I really enjoy doing and many of my family members are welders. Welding has many ups to the job but it also has its downs to it also.The ups to the job are it pays well in the beginning and the more experience you have the more you make and you also get to admire the work you did. The downs to the job are you tear down your body very quickly and also have the chance to have a pipeline explode and kill or severely injure you. I also want to weld because it is something that I love doing it and want to make a career out of it to maybe one day support a family with my career.…
In order to effectively analyze the various behavioral components within my current organization, I will describe the demonstrated attitudes shown by individuals within this company. Additionally, I will analyze the organizational behavior of Welding Unlimited, as an organization, by describing the type of culture, modes of communication, nature of authority, motivational techniques, areas of emotional intelligence, and how the components of a virtual organization are included. Upon conclusion of this essay, I hope to have provided the reader with a brief understanding of the above-mentioned…
Everyone plans on what career to take at a young age. You want a job that pays a lot and gives many hours to work. Some might be thinking of becoming a doctor, teacher, fireman. These careers are good examples of the many job opportunities that the world has to offer, but think far more than that. Ask yourself, what is mostly everything made of. Welding has a lot to do about how we live, and it has great opportunities to make you successful hard working human being.…
Welding is the joining of metals. Modern welding is that there are four components. The four components are the metals themselves, a heat source, filler material and some kind of shield from the air. When considering a career in welding, a person must carefully look into the responsibilities this will entail, the skills one must have to succeed, plus another important aspects such as working conditions, salary, and the future of the job; however, just as important is to carefully seek out the Texas State Technical College will best prepare for this profession.…
The United States Constitution is often called “a miracle document” because it has proved so enduring while so many other attempts at self-government have failed. In reality, it was a miracle of sorts that the Constitutional Convention ever materialized in the first place. This is one of the reasons I believe the constitution is still relevant. The articles of confederation weren’t working so the constitutional convention was finally held in order to draft the more permanent document.…
My career I want to go into in is welding. The reason I chose welding is because back in my home country you don’t get paid that much for welding but when I get my certifications in welding here in the United States I will be able to get paid a lot more in the U.S. than Ethiopia. When I get my Certifications in welding such as (SMAW) Shielded Metal Arc Welding, (GTAW) Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, (GMAW) Gas Metal Arc Welding, and (FCAW) Flux Cored Arc Welding they can help me get a better paying job. I can get more job opportunists when you have your certifications than you having more attractive employment prospects.…
My problem is that we, as teenagers, are for the most part treated unfairly by generations that have been in careers longer. Many high schoolers have practiced certain careers for years whether it be through a shop class or art class. I am one of these students. Since I was around ten I have been good at building things and driving, specifically building things. I have always helped my dad with projects and frequented the manufacturing where he works as a head manager. There a picked up many new words and many new skills, one of which is welding. I have been welding since I was 13 years old, that is three years which is longer than some of the people who get the jobs. I understand that I as a sixteen year old cannot get a full time job as a…
-red blood cells: oval or disc-shaped cells that circulate in the blood and that contain haemoglobin to carry oxygen;…
Have you ever thought about what job you would enjoy working for the rest of your life?…