Arc welding can be divided at least three classes: arc welding, gas welding, and resistance welding.
1) Arc welding: Heat is generated by an electric arc and the parts are simply fused together and became one. In some cases electrode is used that provides a filler material.
2) Gas welding: The burning gas (oxygen and acetylene) raises the temperature of the part to be joined and a welding rod provides filler material.
3) Resistance welding: The parts that are to be welded, while being forced together by mechanical pressure, are raised to the temperature of fusion by the passage of a heavy electrical current through the junction. (Filler materials are not used. One form is "spot welding")
There are five types and the types are named by the geometric relationship between the two parts.
Before welding , the place of welding of the parts should be prepared.
There exist several types as shown in Figure 2. The type to be used is decided according to thickness of the parts to be welded.
For thicker parts grooves can be formed to have a complete penetration of weld. For thinner parts the edges can be bended.
Kimpalan adalah satu proses pencantuman sesuatu bahan dengan bahan yang lain dengan menggunakan suatu bahan khas, contohnya logam atau termoplastik. Proses pengimpalan ini melibatkan pencairan sesuatu jenis logam tersebut untuk menjadikannya sebagai pengikat di antara sesuatu struktur dengan struktur yang lain. Kadangkala tekanan juga digunakan di samping haba untuk menghasilkan kimpalan tersebut. Ini berbeza dengan pematerian, yang cuma meleburkan bahan sambungan untuk membentuk sambungan, dan bukan struktur itu sendiri.
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