Since the 1930’s the face of welfare has been shaped multiple times with many different types of reforms. These reform were made in an attempt to reduce the number of people who depend on government assistance, and to help those people get back on their feet and function in a normal society. Some reforms that were major in the beginning steps of welfare were The Welfare Reform Act of 1996, the (PRWORA) Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, and The (TANF) Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. “In 1996 a welfare reform act was passed” (U.S Welfare System 2). “The welfare Reform act was a catalyst needed to begin this new era of welfare benefits and provision” (U.S Welfare System 4). As a result of this reform employment rates of recipients soared and caseloads dropped dramatically, But looking at the bigger picture this paved way for such a dramatic change in the society and how the government helped the people of the United States. Following this …show more content…
When a program consist of this many people there’s always going to be someone that messes it up or the entire group. “Supporters have argued for decades that requiring welfare recipients to take drug tests helps ensure that the government assistance is going to people who truly need it rather than supporting those who use illegal drugs”(Welfare Drug Testing 1), but the government is facing many hurdles to do so. “Welfare drug testing efforts have faced legal challenges from recipients who argue that such test violate the fourth amendment of the U.S. constitution which bans “ ‘ Unreasonable searches and seizures’ “(Welfare Drug Testing 1).This is outrageous though, that people can cry and call help for all the help they need, but as soon as they need to actually do something for these benefits all of the peoples mind set change from “I’ll do whatever it takes” to “I’m not doing that”. It should be known that once the government starts to give you money to live, that there should be no doubt you take a drug test for these benefits. The government doesn’t have to help you but they want to, so why fight them on this matter? The recipients that fight and fight over this controversial topic are the ones that don’t think their rights are being violated but the ones that are afraid that if this were to happen that they would lose their benefits. Why fight it unless you’re breaking the law