Tina Langnes
Herzing University
April 20, 2014
History of Welfare Welfare began over 60 years ago. The reason for establishing welfare was to help families needing assistance and meeting financial obligations by obtaining healthcare and education. However, after 60 years of maturation and change of the welfare programs, it has become abundantly clear that changes are needed. Like everything in life it is important to change with the time. So what is welfare in the United States, who is eligible and how does one apply for welfare? Is there a need for welfare reform and how should this be accomplished. What are some changes …show more content…
You can also do it online at COMPASS website. If you have a Power of attorney or an authorized representative they can do it for that person. There is an interview process. This process can be done in person or by phone a person needs proof of identity such as driver’s license, library card, voter’s registration card. Once the interview is done it may be a month before you hear anything. It may even be denied due to not having enough information. If it does then a person may need to get a lawyer to help the person get through the process. If any changes occur it is necessary to notify them of the changes. (NLSA, …show more content…
I do agree that welfare is a needed, but I also agree that it needs an overhaul. I do believe that there is much abuse and dishonesty and that structures in the system encourage people to take advantage of it and to remain dependent on the system, using it as a way of life instead of a hand up. I have seen women who will have a child out of wedlock still live in the same house with the baby daddy while continuing to collect money and benefits from federal and state government programs and will not marry the father of the children because they get more money and benefits from the government by remaining a “single” parent. This is unfair. Not only is this unfair but now the children are turning five and they are now looking at having another child so that their benefits continue. It somewhat makes me angry to see the clothes they wear are so much nicer than mine and I have to work a 40 hour work week to make as much money as they do just staying home (Welfareinfo,