When watching Moonrise Kingdom or Rushmore the touch of Wes Anderson is not hard to find. His comical movies having taken on a nature of their own and the audience has come to expect excellence from the director; not only for the enjoyment of the movie but for the quality that the movie is made in. Over the years he has begun to develop a style all to his own. In Moonrise Kingdom the movie was shot with the yellow being the prominent color being seen. Anderson’s scenes have a lot of motion to them, whether the camera is creating motion, the characters are moving, or there is movement in the back ground there always seems to be something going on the scene creating motion. With sound Anderson likes to let the audience know what is going on there is more diegetic sound then there is non-diegetic sound. If there is a phone conversation then more likely than not the audience will not only hear the whole conversation but will also see both characters in separate locations on the phone. There is also the appeal of symmetry in his movies a house is split perfectly by the front door actors are place in a way that creates symmetry objects are laid out this way as well, this is part of Anderson’s mis-en-scene. One of the common themes in Anderson’s movies is his storylines particularly in Rushmore and Moonrise Kingdom, following two boys who act way older than their age and get into outrageous situations that the rest of the world seems to put up with, Anderson crosses the line from reality to fiction in a very believable way. In the movie Rushmore the colors of the movie are relatively dark. The school uniforms for school are dark and the clothing that Mac Fischer wears is dark usually a dark suit. The only bit of clothing Max wears that has color is his read beret that he wears from time to time. THe significance of the beret is there is an Asian girl who wears a black beret, Margaret Yang, who is revealed to be
When watching Moonrise Kingdom or Rushmore the touch of Wes Anderson is not hard to find. His comical movies having taken on a nature of their own and the audience has come to expect excellence from the director; not only for the enjoyment of the movie but for the quality that the movie is made in. Over the years he has begun to develop a style all to his own. In Moonrise Kingdom the movie was shot with the yellow being the prominent color being seen. Anderson’s scenes have a lot of motion to them, whether the camera is creating motion, the characters are moving, or there is movement in the back ground there always seems to be something going on the scene creating motion. With sound Anderson likes to let the audience know what is going on there is more diegetic sound then there is non-diegetic sound. If there is a phone conversation then more likely than not the audience will not only hear the whole conversation but will also see both characters in separate locations on the phone. There is also the appeal of symmetry in his movies a house is split perfectly by the front door actors are place in a way that creates symmetry objects are laid out this way as well, this is part of Anderson’s mis-en-scene. One of the common themes in Anderson’s movies is his storylines particularly in Rushmore and Moonrise Kingdom, following two boys who act way older than their age and get into outrageous situations that the rest of the world seems to put up with, Anderson crosses the line from reality to fiction in a very believable way. In the movie Rushmore the colors of the movie are relatively dark. The school uniforms for school are dark and the clothing that Mac Fischer wears is dark usually a dark suit. The only bit of clothing Max wears that has color is his read beret that he wears from time to time. THe significance of the beret is there is an Asian girl who wears a black beret, Margaret Yang, who is revealed to be