
West African American Slave Trade 18th Century

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West African American Slave Trade 18th Century
“12 million Africans were brought to the new world against their will to perform back breaking labor under terrible conditions”. From the 1500-1700, slave trade started in the region of Africa, specifically in Swahili. Slavery was an inhumane act. It was truly barbaric and constantly controlling a person’s life, what they eat, sleep or if they were sold or bought, was vicious. The slaves were used and thrown away like garbage. As mentioned above, following along it was from the Swahilis where it all started and there was wide involvement from the Portuguese and Comoro Archipelago to Lamu Archipelago, there can be much forms of struggle discovered.
In the early sixteenth century the Swahili’s were widely involved in the slave trading. Most
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Many trades existed on the Comoro islands and Madagascar. The slaves were also forcefully islamisized. Correspondingly the slaves were even employed for agricultural tasks. During the Portuguese period the economic activity was miserable, however slaves that year in trading estimated to be at least 4,000 per year. The Portuguese explored and claimed more of the west African region, such as coasts and islands. By the late fifteenth century, Portugal had prolonged its accounts and its reach along the east coast of Africa so they could try to keep a dominance in trading. Nonetheless, during the 1570’s the Africans attacked the Portuguese settlements in Mozambique and Ghana and then in 1585 there was a war which led to a Swahili revolt on the African …show more content…
Most of the captives captured came from Madagascar and they were destined to fill in demand in labor in Arabia. In Africa, the slave trade was well established before the Europeans arrived. It became an immense business. Soon the Arab traders started to settle along the coast of Africa, resulting in the appearance of people and culture acknowledged as Swahili. Later on the slave trade expanded and became more organized. A number of different people were involved like the Arabs and Africans in supplying slaves on the inside. There was a very famous trader and his name was Tippu Tip, and he was a Swahili arab- son of a trader and the grandson of an African slave. His men and him operated an area stretching over a thousand miles from inner land to the

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