“I just couldn’t even begin to understand where Willy got the idea that hanging out with that woman was okay. Imagine my immense shock when I entered his room up in Boston and saw her prostrated upon the bed, giggling and openly flirting with Willy. Not only did he cheat on my mother, but he looked right into my eyes and told me a boldfaced lie. It was as if he thought i wasn’t smart enough to figure out what was going on. It was rather obvious that she was more than just one of his “buyers.” But that wasn’t it, afterwards that man had the audacity to give me orders! I couldn’t believe it! He may be my father, but I don’t have an obligation to claim him. It’s nearly impossible to know how long …show more content…
My only original reason to go up to Boston was to ask Willy if he would talk to Ms. Birnbaum for me. I thought that his prestige as a seller for Howard would ‘seal the deal’ and make Ms. Birnbaum pass me through mathematics. I just knew that he could convince her to do so. Willy knew I looked up to him in this way and thought very highly of his abilities. Why did he have to go destroy my opinion of him. I thought he loved my mother, I knew she still loved him dearly. Speaking of my mother, how am i supposed to tell her? She had a right to know. But yet, telling her would hurt her more than not telling her. If only life were as easy to explain as football. In football, when you face a harsh blow like this, you brush off your uniform and continue as if it had never happened. You shake the hand of the one who knocked you down and move on, no big deal. Unfortunately, life is not anything close to football. Your defeats are not so easy to overcome. Also there’s no amount of training that could prepare you to face your problems. I can’t believe I looked up to this man. I used to aspire to impress him in any and