Jordan A. England
AIU Online
There are many things that had happen in the nineteenth century all the way up to the twentieth century. The expansion of the Europeans into America and the lands that they were taking over from the natives.
“The confrontation of Western civilization with other peoples whose values were often dramatically opposed to the West’s…suggests that by the dawn of the twentieth century, the tradition and sense of centeredness that had defined indigenous cultures for hundreds, even thousands, of years was either threatened or in the process of being destroyed. Worldwide, non-Western cultures suddenly found that they were defined as outposts of new colonial empires developed by Europeans, resulting in the weakening of traditional cultural practices, political leadership, and social systems that had been in place for centuries.” (Sayre, 2013, pp. 410-411). To analyze this I would have to say that in the nineteenth century the empires were created by the Europeans at which China, India, and Japan all opposed. With them these cultural countries challenging this they became their own countries, at which was not at all to adapt to the change.
For the Chinese the loss of centeredness could have a big effect on them. The Chinese have a remarkable education system, the Chinese culture believe in having their children well educated to have a good life, It is also known that when a Chinese student finishes school they are to serve 3 years in the Chinese military. China is also one of the countries that are known for their advanced technology. They are one of the only standalone countries for the many break troughs in computer technology and medical advancements. If the Chinese had fallen loss of centered they culture of the Chinese that we know of today could be much different. They may not have the education that they have now, and may not have the technology as well.
In the nineteenth century there was much more need of