Shooting Firearms is a loud experience. When not wearing hearing protection, the noise can cause serious long-term hearing damage. Two parts compose the noise when a firearm fires. The first one is a small explosion and the resulting gases that try to escape through the barrel and push the projectile forward until it exits the barrel. The second part is the projectile breaking the sound barrier when it leaves the barrel. The only way to get rid of the sound the projectile creates, when breaking the sound barrier, is to slow it down below the speed of sound, which is 1,126 feet per second. To reduce the sound of the gases leaving the barrel, Silencers, Suppressors or Mufflers are used to slow down the gases. Silencers are …show more content…
The peer-reviewed journal, Western Criminology Review, published a study by Attorney Paul A. Clark called "Criminal Use of Firearm Silencers." In this study, Clark finds that “In the ten-year period of this study, there were approximately 40,000 homicides prosecuted in federal court and considerably fewer than .01 percent involved a silencer.” That would be 4 cases that involved suppressors in 10 years. Clark later writes that only in two of those murders a suppressor was used to kill a person. Those numbers show how minimal the use of suppressor in crime actually is. Chapman quotes the Chicago Police Department representative Anthony Guglielmi who says, "We seldom recover silencers. Sometimes you may get a gun with a makeshift silencer, but even that is rare.” Therefore, we can see that even in a city with some of the highest gun murders in America, the use of suppressors is almost none existent. Suppressors are just not attractive for criminals since they make Firearms even longer and tougher to conceal. They also reduce the noise a shot to a level that does not damage hearing anymore, but still easily detected by people or law enforcement. Clark also notes that it is quite easy to suppress the sound of a gun with a pillow, a piece of carpet or some clothes and that true professionals use those methods to avoid long sentences if caught. We can see that the use of suppressors in crime is almost none existent. There is no proof that a change in the regulation of suppressors would influence those