Many people believe that there should be no lengthy process in obtaining a gun specifically because it diminishes their right of security. In more than half the United States it is legal for an honorable discharged veteran to carry a licensed firearm with no lengthy process. Others believe that it should be the same for the rest for the rest of America. The process for a veteran to acquire a gun only depends upon them to pass a criminal background check, accumulate a copy of their DD form stating you were discharged under an honorable status, as well as supply any type of identification with a photo for the license, and finally pay a license fee of one hundred and seventeen dollars for five years. Many people believe it should be the same for the rest of America. Given that the veteran has just been discharged from war, they too may have post traumatic stress …show more content…
Background checks would require government databases that keep personal individual information on gun owners, including name, addresses, mental health history, criminal records, and more. More gun control is not needed; education about guns and gun safety is needed to prevent accidental gun deaths. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people and people need more gun education and mental illness screening to prevent massacres. The second Amendment was intended to protect gun ownership of all vigorous men so that they could participate in the militia to keep the peace and defend the country if needed. According to the United States Code, a militia is composed of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age… under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard. Overall, .many people believe that more gun control laws are not necessary due to the fact that it isn't the gun that kills but the person behind the gun who’s most