He Whàriki Màtauranga mò ngà Mokopuna o Aotearoa
Early Childhood Curriculum
Ministry of Education
Learning Media
Published for the Ministry of Education by
Learning Media Limited, Box 3293, Wellington, New Zealand.
© Crown copyright 1996
All rights reserved. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.
ISBN 0 478 02980 2
Dewey number 372.21
Item number 02980
E tipu e rea
Mò ngà rà o tòu ao
Ko tò ringa ki ngà ràkau a te Pàkehà
Hei ara mò tò tinana
Ko tò ngàkau ki ngà taonga a ò tìpuna Màori
Hei tikitiki mò tò màhunga
Ko tò wairua ki tò Atua
Nàna nei ngà mea katoa.
Sir Apirana Ngata (1949)
Early childhood is “…a period of momentous significance for all people growing up in
[our] culture… By the time this period is over, children will have formed conceptions of themselves as social beings, as thinkers, and as language users, and they will have reached certain important decisions about their own abilities and their own worth.”
Donaldson, M., Grieve, R., and Pratt, C. Early Childhood Development and Education: Readings in Psychology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983, p. 1.
Part A
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
The Purpose and Structure of the Document .................................................................................................. 10
The Curriculum Whàriki for New Zealand’s Children ................................................................................. 11
Including Children with Special Needs
Distinctive Contexts
The Principles, Strands, and Goals for the Early Childhood Curriculum .................................................. 14
Early Childhood Care and Education in New Zealand .................................................................................
The Role of Early Childhood Education Services in New Zealand
Links Between
Links: culture and learning (Learning Media, Wellington, 1990) defines the term as “a system of symbols and