Britain, colonial leaders argued that the colonies had virtual representation in Parliament through Transatlantic merchants. However, the desire for representation would change as more “unconstitutional” acts were passed. Following the Revolutionary War, the new United States began to establish a government similar to the British Parliament. The American government decided to base their government off the use of elected officials. These officials would represent the people's desires to the government. Even today the use of elected officials allows each and every person to have a say in decision-making like taxation affecting our lives. Since the colonies were dependent on their motherland they relied heavily on the support of Creditors to build their territory.
The colonies economy was primarily composed of agriculture, slave labor and commerce. During the American Revolution, America allied with France for military and financial support, and the borrowed money of their people. After independence was achieved the new government desperately needed a way to pay off their war debts. Alexander Hamilton devised a Financial Program that consisted on developing public credit, a national bank and manufacturing. His plan to create public credit was key to developing America’s loan prospects, since it was an up and coming nation. The plan highlighted the use of a national banking system similar to that of the bank of England except it was guaranteed to protect American civil liberties. This banking system would eventually lead to the establishment of several other banks creating a more independent
economy. Since the beginning of the colonies development, America had relied on slave labor. Americas economy had been primarily agricultural until the industrial revolution hit the Northern half of the new United States. However, after the Revolutionary war feelings toward slavery changed. The south’s economy relied heavily on the use of the slave labor in agriculture in order to grow mass amounts of items. The south had no need to modify their concepts since everything had stayed constant. In contrast, the North had developed into a bustling center of commerce and manufacturing causing them to see no need for slave laws there. Explaining why most of the northern states began to abolish slavery. As the differences grew the south began to feel uneasy feeling as if the North would eventually abolish slavery.
Colonial unrest and frustration inspired a Revolution that would change the colonies future. Although American ideals and systems were greatly inspired by their Motherland they changed what had caused their frustrations. The up and coming America developed a Republican Democracy that made decisions through officials elected by the people. The banking system though strongly similar to Britains reflected American ideals and led to the development of Americas credit today.