
What Are The Five Major Strands Of Conservatism

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What Are The Five Major Strands Of Conservatism
Peter Scorzelli
Exam 3: HIST 1502
Matthew Tribbe, Orlando Deavila
December 10, 2014
Opening the Door to a Conservative Future
Founded on the idea of a government “by the people, for the people,” American politics display this ideal, with citizens choosing leaders who reflect the view of the public and share the same vision for the country’s future. The late 1960’s into the 1980’s marked the beginning of a major political shift in America. Voters grew tired of the Democratic administration’s failing economic policy and feared the rising international tensions. In 1980, the American public decided that they were not “better off than four years ago,” and elected Ronald Reagan fortieth President of the United States. The country’s shift to
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Bringing together the views of the five major strands of conservatism allowed for a larger support group rallying behind one candidate, and a platform acceptable to more moderate Americans, who previously may have seen conservatism as too extreme. Major aspects of this new conservatism were lower taxes and less economic regulation. Conservatives advocated for a small federal government and emphasized traditional “family values.” The new conservatism failed to address civil rights issues in an effort to attract voters who did not support the liberal push for equality. Additionally, Reagan began to attract Democrats who felt that their opinions were not being addressed within their own party. These Reagan Democrats identified with conservative ideas of more traditional family values, increased national security, and lack of support for civil rights, among others. Internationally, conservatives’ main concern was a strong national defense force, and a strict stance against the Soviet Union. These conservative values are summarized in the opening paragraph of Reverend Jerry Falwell’s “Listen America:”
[Young people] have learned to disrespect the family as God has established it… They have been taught that the Bible is just another book of literature… They have been introduced to the drug culture… These same young people have
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During his time as president, Reagan brought about significant change, which diverted the course of American history. Reagan’s economic policy, labeled “Reaganomics,” shifted the focus from providing financial support to consumer, and moved towards benefits for producers. Easing the burden on producers allows for more production at lower cost, leading to lower prices to the consumer, and more job opportunities in production fields. Known as supply-side economics, the idea is that benefits at the production level will be passed down the food chain to consumers, benefitting everyone in between. In theory, the tax cuts would spur significant economic growth, so much so that the lower tax rates would actually bring in more tax revenue. Another aspect of Reaganomics is the rolling back of economic regulations, or as Reagan put it in his inaugural address, “removing the roadblocks that have slowed our economy and reduced productivity”(Reagan 297). Reagan cut funding to agencies such as the Occupational Safety Hazard Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and other agencies which interfered with businesses efficiency. Reagan also appointed conservatives to run these agencies and minimize their ability to function. In order to encourage a more free market, Reagan showed that his administration

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