Darth Noob
COM 156
February 9, 2013
Lauren Holmes
In the early 1930s, a man named William Randolph Hearst—a wealthy newspaper mogul and paper mill owner—campaigned with his powerful allies in Congress to outlaw the consumption and growth of cannabis. At that time, hemp (a subspecies of cannabis) had been found to produce the same quality of paper at a fraction of the cost. In an effort to eliminate his competitors and capitalize on the profits, Hearst began a smear campaign using his influence with the media—attempting to reach out to the general public and spread around heinous rumors. They blamed the atrocities happening in their societies on the plant while aiming their accusations toward ethnic minorities to create biased opinions with their supporter. Emerging studies have begun to grab the attention of the public with their shocking results. The old mentalities of the previous generation are dying out, with people now making informed decisions rather than believing what they’re told. With the abundance of information supplied by …show more content…
the technology of the 21st century, more people are becoming aware of the misconceptions of marijuana use.
Cannabis is a type of plant that is cultivated for its various types of natural resources, also known as “industrial hemp”, but is also bred for it’s psychoactive effects on the body which have medicinal and recreational purposes. There are many known chemicals found within the plant, such as cannabidiolic acid, which has similar properties to penicillin. Most notable is the primary active ingredient “Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol” or simply THC, which is what gives users their high. The United States of America currently considers cannabis as an illegal substance, with only 18 states having made it legal for personal consumption and cultivation. A common misunderstanding is that hemp and cannabis are the same. Although they are both products of the cannabis plants, the distinction comes from the methods used to cultivate them—which yield different results. Hemp is grown in rows (very similar to corn crops), and bears the resemblance of thin bamboo sticks with wood-like cores. There are currently over 25,000 products that use hemp as a resource. Cannabis, or more commonly referred to as “marijuana” (Mexican Spanish derivative), is grown with plenty of room allowing the plant to expand its width rather than its height. One main difference between the two breeds is that hemp is generally cultivated outdoors and contains no more than 1% THC, while marijuana is grown mainly indoors with artificial lighting to strengthen the degree of THC potency—roughly containing 10-20%. The psychoactive effects of inducing marijuana vary for each individual; however, most users experience a euphoric state-of-mind that alters their perception of reality, and heightening their sensory systems (e.g. vision, touch, taste). The physical side effects include glossy or red eyes, increased heart rate, a dry mouth (commonly referred to as ‘cotton mouth’), and a relaxing sensation to the body’s muscles. Traditionally, marijuana is ground up and rolled into a marijuana cigarette—or is consumed with the use of a pipe. Recent studies have shown that the safest methods to ingesting marijuana is if it’s eaten by incorporating THC in meal preparations, or by vaporizing it. A vaporizer is an electronic contraption that heats the weed—opposed to combusting—to extract the THC, in the form of an inhalable vapor. For the most part, the effects of marijuana are very static and rarely change. Some of the less desirable effects cause short-term impairments, such as trouble with memory, ability to learn, having questionable judgment, failure to effectively use motor functions, and an assortment of mental impairments (e.g. anxiety, excessive panic, and paranoia). Although these are common symptoms amongst the general users of marijuana, the negative side effects vary between each individual. There is no credible information at this time that links marijuana and the negative side effects listed above as an inherent presence with each dosage.
Cannabis used for medical purposes, or “medicinal marijuana”, has been studied closely for its abilities to cure certain debilitating symptoms. It was first recognized for its ‘magical’ properties to cure ailments. “The first recorded use of marijuana as a medicinal drug occurred in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung. The emperor documented the drug’s effectiveness in treating the pains of rheumatism and gout” (2010, Random Facts, para. 16). With current technologies and research development, medicinal marijuana has been tested to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors. With the rising rate of people diagnosed with un-curable diseases, marijuana has been put ‘under the microscope’ for maximizing it’s potential properties. Doctors currently prescribe it to chemotherapy patients who experience nausea and vomiting, people with neuropathic and chronic pains (e.g. lower back pains, arthritis, multiple sclerosis), individuals with a loss of appetite because of medical conditions, and for those who suffer from sleep-related disorders such as insomnia. It’s no secret that marijuana has gained a negative image with the public. It has been portrayed as a substance that turns people into lazy “stoners” who have no sense of direction or goals. However, the same can be said about alcohol. Sure—there are some functional alcoholics that maintain an acceptable level of performance in their personal and professional lives, but have a dependency on consuming excessive amounts of alcohol daily. The amount that they induce could incapacitate an average person who drinks on occasion—or even cause alcohol poisoning. The same can be said about marijuana users and their capabilities to maintain normal lifestyles. When analyzing the reasons for people’s decisions to drink alcohol or smoke marijuana recreationally, they tend to have the same response. For instance, it’s still rare to see it shown on television—but it has made its way onto the big screen. Along with alcohol, the two ‘party-enhancers’ are commonly seen in movies aimed at the ‘coming of age’ teens and experimental young adults. If one could host or be a part of a wild out-of-control party that rewards you with bikini-clad girls and epic ‘re-tell value’ exaggerations of comical proportion—and all it takes is a bit of alcohol or weed? Chances are, they had their minds made up before the previews even started.
Peer pressure—coupled with the glorified image of these substances in pop-culture entertainment have become the recipe for impressionable teens seeking out new ways to gain acceptance from their peers. Sadly, the desire of today’s youth and young adults to conform to the social norms set by popular media outlets has never been more prominent than it is now. For individuals that struggle with shyness, are disinclined, and have personal inhibitions—consuming copious amounts of alcohol to reach a point of inebriation is a road they would rather take than be heckled and antagonized for their concerns. The same can be said about smoking marijuana, as it has the tendency to make a person more talkative and appear more cheerful. Last, there are individuals who have stressful days because of strenuous activity (whether it be physical or mental) and simply enjoy indulging in a drink or two. Marijuana mirrors this habit, as users will wish to mellow out. However, this is also where the substance abuse is found. People with daily struggles—such as anxiety, low self-esteem, relationship issues, financial troubles, etc.—often turn to substances to help them forget their worries and escape reality. Although alcohol and marijuana share similar qualities, there are also some clear distinctions between the two. Marijuana is known to induce a calm, relaxing experience while alcohol has been targeted for easily agitating the temperament of a boozer—often advocating violence as a solution. While there are many positive benefits for the use and production of cannabis, it continues to face negative stigmas and stereotypes with the general public. For instance, many regard marijuana as a ‘gateway’ drug—but a person’s susceptibility to substance addiction should be taken into account. Regardless of the fact that hemp has been acknowledged for its versatility as a resource, it remains outlawed because of the concern that the cultivation of hemp will undoubtedly lead to the legalization of marijuana. A large majority of the concerned public are parents who worry about the impression and influence marijuana will have on their children. Maybes it’s more important to assess the history of how we dealt with the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s—and how loosely it’s viewed by today’s standards.
The Internet has become a valued resource in an effort to inform uneducated individuals.
What was once thought to be the source of cancer has been proven to prolong the growth of new cancerous cells. With myths such as these being disproven, what’s to say about the positive effects of legalizing cannabis in the United States? We’ve assessed that alcohol is a prevalent substance that will not cease to exist, and further censorship of marijuana will only promote curious minds to try it—at least once in their lifetime. Not only can it be used as a substitute resource for a variety of products, it could stimulate the declining employment rate and generate billions of dollars. Defusing these superstitions about cannabis can affect the way that undecided individuals view the issue, and help them realize it’s potential for a progressive
Cox, L. (2012, November 5). Effects of Marijuana. LiveScience.
Retrieved from http://www.livescience.com/24558-marijuana-effects.html
Posthuma, J. (2012). Adolescent susceptibility to differing types of peer influences on alcohol and marijuana use. Retrieved from the University of Phoenix library website: http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/1011624350/abstract?accountid=35812
Gordon, A. ( 2000, September). Teens, Drugs, and Peer Pressure. Retrieved from the University of Phoenix library website: http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/211712653?accountid=35812
Discovery Fit and Health Writers (2012). 5 Common Uses of Medical Cannabis. Discovery Fit & Health. Retrieved from http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/drugs-alcohol/5-common-uses-of-medical-cannabis5.htm
Random Facts (2009, February 27). 31 Random Facts About Marijuana. Retrieved from http://facts.randomhistory.com/2009/02/27_marijuana.html
Marijuana & Cannabis Staff (2008, July 3). The Unique Versatility of the Cannabis Plant. Marijuana & Cannabis Blog. Retrieved from http://marijuanacannabis.wordpress.com/2008/07/03/the-unique-versatility-of-the-cannabis-plant/
High Times (2007, August 31). The Top Ten Reasons Marijuana Should Be Legal. AlterNet. Retrieved from http://www.alternet.org/story/60959/the_top_ten_reasons_marijuana_should_be_legal
Nelson, A. (2010, April 20). How Big Is The Marijuana Market. Headlines From CNBC. Retrieved from http://www.cnbc.com/id/36179677/How_Big_Is_The_Marijuana_Market